Fine Motor Free Worksheets Playdough Mats

9 Fun Pet Printables for Preschool Dough Mats

There are so many reasons why kids are fascinated by pets. These hands-on pet printables for preschool will be a hit! Just have some tubs of play dough on hands and you’re set!

I have been listing lots of FREE play dough learning mats here, on the blog and this is just one of the many available now.

There are so many reasons why kids are fascinated by pets. These FREE hands-on pet printables for preschool will be a hit! Just have some tubs of play dough on hands and you're set!

Pet Crafts for Preschoolers

If you’re looking for super simple pet crafts, these hands-on play dough mats will make for a great way to practice fine motor skills and include printables that preschoolers and toddlers can attempt to complete.

Some crafts are very difficult to complete, kids will love these play dough mats because kids of all abilities can enjoy them.

I love working with play dough so much that I created a bundle of play dough learning mats to use throughout the year!

There are so many reasons why kids are fascinated by pets. These FREE hands-on pet printables for preschool will be a hit! Just have some tubs of play dough on hands and you're set!

If you’re looking for fun ways, to incorporate fine motor into your activities and lessons, these printable worksheets are perfect for that!

Not only would kids practice working their small hand and finger muscles; but they will also work on vocabulary for the season.

There are so many reasons why kids are fascinated by pets. These FREE hands-on pet printables for preschool will be a hit! Just have some tubs of play dough on hands and you're set!

Don’t forget to check out over 40 fine motor pincer grasp printables and activities.

How to use these playdough mats

Use these mats to help kids strengthen their knowledge of shapes; as well as develop fine motor skills using playdough and/or do-a-dot markers!

Print out each mat in color or black and white.

Free pet printables

Pet printables are a great way to get kids excited about the pet they have. They can create their own pet and print it out, or they can make a card for someone else.

There are so many different kinds of printables that you can find online. You will find templates for coloring pages, crafts, posters, cards and more. And in the case of this post, play dough mats!

Kids will love to have their own pet and be able to make their own printable for the animal. They will enjoy being creative with the different templates that are available for them to use.

I love getting kids involved in taking care of their pets too, and this pet dog chore chart is perfect to get them involved right away!

These printables include dough shapes of the most common pet animals like dogs, cats, a fish and more.

More play dough mats you will like:

Pet Printables for Preschool Dough Mats

Download your set of printables below.

There are so many reasons why kids are fascinated by pets. These FREE hands-on pet printables for preschool will be a hit! Just have some tubs of play dough on hands and you're set!
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