Crafts Homeschool Kindergarten Preschool

7 Easy Owl Crafts for Teachers, It’s like Starbucks except for Preschoolers!

Need some ideas on how you could combine crafting, literacy and numeracy into your preschool? This article includes 7 ways you can create owl crafts with your preschoolers, would suit even toddlers!

Need some ideas on how you could combine crafting, literacy and numeracy into your preschool? This article includes 7 ways you can create owl crafts with your preschoolers, would suit even toddlers!

You’ll also learn how to create simple crafts with your preschoolers with limited materials, because let’s face it, who has more money to spend on crafting material?! Read on, for some simple ideas even 2 year olds can do!

Kids of all ages love learning through owl crafts probably due to its big googly eyes or fluffy feathers. When it comes fall season one can easily see owl crafts almost everywhere on DIY pages or preschool learning sites.

Why are Owl crafts fun?

Kids are fascinated by owls, and they can be so much fun to incorporate in preschool during the fall or winter months. Learning with these adorable crafts is real fun.

Purpose of owl crafts

It is observed that kids learn better from activity based learning and not just by passive learning so making owl crafts gives students an amazing experience of using their hands for cutting papers through scissors, some preschoolers love the idea of simply painting an owl on the paper and some use different material to paste on. These are great for fine motor skills!

7 Easy Owl Crafts for Teachers

There are a number of different ideas for easy to complex, which can be used for making owl crafts. Let us discuss a few of them in detail…

  1. Painting stones as owls: “Painting stones” is a most wanted activity for kids especially for preschoolers. Tell your students to paint them white first and turn them into a blank canvas. Then let them paint their heart out on their Stone Owls.
  2. Crafting out owl from a toilet roll: One can easily instruct preschoolers to bring one left over toilet roll and paint it light brown then paste round large eyes, a yellow beak and most importantly feathers. They will surely love to do this!
  3. Making owl craft from disposable plates: Kids will be amazed if you teach them one such craft of an owl by painting on it with a poster color and then attach a yellow paper cut beak on it also round paper made eyes and fluffy feathery pattern. Preschoolers will ask to do it over and over again, that’s a bet!
  4. Making an owl craft from an egg shell: Take an eggshell as a whole then paint it orange, add googly eyes made of paper and a perfectly crafted beak with glue. Then you can tell your students to attach orange threads on the sides to show its soft feathers. There you go!
  5. Paper-cones owl crafts: This one is a really easy yet interesting way to make an owl craft. All you need to do is to fold the color page so as to make a cone and then tell preschoolers to follow you after that give it eyes, beak and feathers. Students will definitely like to repeat the process.
  6. Jam jar lid owls: This is one of the most loved ideas of making owl and is very famous especially among preschool students. All you need to do is to paint the lid and bless it with button eyes, curved beak and smooth feathers. Students will keep on trying it during leisure hours.
  7. Paper cut owl crafts: You as a teacher can draw the shape of an owl on a paper and ask students to cut it finely and then make its eyes with their finger prints by putting some paint on them. Students will feel like an artist, which will encourage them for doing their tasks independently.


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I hope you loved the above mentioned ideas of 7 Easy Owl crafts for teachers which are a must do because preschool kids are always excited for new ventures and when introduced with similar activities, their results come out to be always heart-warming. Don’t forget to check out some super easy ocean themed whale crafts here if you’re looking for some more additions to your preschool theme this year!. It is a treat to watch little humans grow!

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