Crafts Free Worksheets Social Emotional Learning Social Skills

Coping Skills Bulletin Board [Feel Better Flower Craft Preschool]

Looking for a great way to promote coping skills. School counselors will love this printable craft which doubles as a calm down space for kids. These coping skills bulletin board crafts are perfect!

Sometimes you need that extra something to help kids really understand their worth and use it to help them cope with their emotions. Art therapy: Art activities such as coloring, drawing, or painting can provide a creative outlet for children to express themselves. This is why I love to incorporate so many crafts in my classroom and at home.

I have shared so many SEL bulletin board ideas here on the blog along with social skills you will love.

Looking for a great way to promote coping skills. School counselors will love this printable craft which doubles as a calm down space for kids. These coping skills bulletin board crafts are perfect!

Coping skill ideas for kids

Other than teaching kids to use great deep breathing exercise techniques and ways for them to use these to calm down when they feel overwhelmed. There are some activities that kids will get in tune with faster.

These can also be done in a small group. Social emotional learning is so important.

Mindful breathing: Teach children to take slow, deep breaths when they feel stressed or upset. This can help them calm down and focus on the present moment.

Yoga or stretching: Yoga or stretching exercises can help kids release tension and relax their bodies.

Journaling: Encourage kids to write down their thoughts and feelings in a journal, which can help them process and make sense of their emotions.

Art therapy: Art activities such as coloring, drawing, or painting can provide a creative outlet for children to express themselves.

Grab this super fun coping skills printable craft at the end of this post.

Looking for a great way to promote coping skills. School counselors will love this printable craft which doubles as a calm down space for kids. These coping skills bulletin board crafts are perfect!

Role-playing: Role-playing games can help kids practice different ways of responding to difficult situations and emotions.

Gratitude journal: Encourage children to keep a gratitude journal where they can write down things they are grateful for each day.

Problem-solving skills: Teach kids how to break down problems and come up with possible solutions.

Positive self-talk: Encourage children to speak kindly to themselves and use positive affirmations when they face challenges.

How do we teach coping skills to kids?

Here are some tips for teaching coping skills to kids:

Model healthy coping skills: Children learn by example, so it’s important to model healthy coping skills yourself. Show them how you handle stress and difficult emotions in a positive way.

Use age-appropriate language: Use language that is appropriate for the child’s age and developmental level. Keep your explanations simple and concrete.

Practice regularly: Regularly practice coping skills with your child, so that they become second nature when they need to use them.

Make it fun: Incorporate play, crafts (like the one in this post) and games into teaching coping skills. This will make the process more enjoyable for children and they will be more likely to remember the skills.

Encourage self-discovery: Encourage children to explore and discover their own coping skills. Help them understand that everyone has different ways of coping, and what works for one person may not work for another.

Give them choices: Give children choices on how they want to handle a difficult situation. This will help them develop self-awareness and self-regulation.

Provide emotional support: Provide emotional support and understanding when children are going through difficult times. This will help them feel safe and secure, and will make it easier for them to learn and use coping skills.

Be consistent: Consistency is key. Keep practicing and reinforcing the coping skills regularly, so that they become a habit for your child.

It is important to note that these activities should be adjusted to the age and maturity of the child. Some activities may be more suitable for older children, others for younger children.

Positive behaviors and the calm down corner

The calm down corner for me is always an area for kids to work out their feelings and make sense of them. I never use it as a place for punishment or negative consequences.

This way the kids will associate it with bad behaviors and then they will never want to learn all about what to do in this corner.

So, in my personal experience, use the calm down corner in a way to support social emotional learning and NOT the opposite.

This super cute flower coping skills craft is perfect for the classroom, the kid’s room and more.

I use it for name building too.

Looking for a great way to promote coping skills. School counselors will love this printable craft which doubles as a calm down space for kids. These coping skills bulletin board crafts are perfect!

I always add it to our social studies lesson plans too which help us navigate the SEL topics I want to cover.

Coping Skills Craft

Each child will have a different coping style and that is okay. There are fun ways to incorporate calm-down corner techniques and ideas for developing positive attitudes.

Kids will always react to positivity in any setting a lot better than negative punishment techniques and teaching them all about all their positive attributes like what is shown in this super fun coping bulletin board craft.

This skills – mental health bulletin board works on healthy coping skills, self-esteem and a great SEL concept that is only evident in classrooms that are intentionally focused on healthy SEL skills.

Young children will love cutting and building these flower crafts as they use mindful moment to write all about their positive attributes; and then fill in the raindrops with things that boost them up. Rain helps flowers grow.

Looking for a great way to promote coping skills. School counselors will love this printable craft which doubles as a calm down space for kids. These coping skills bulletin board crafts are perfect!

Be sure to print these on regular printing paper, you can use a color printer for this and the quality of the image is still the same.

You can use a grey paper to paste the craft on. These are great ideas on building social skills. School psychologists will love this idea.

They make a great bulletin board display.

Looking for a great way to promote coping skills. School counselors will love this printable craft which doubles as a calm down space for kids. These coping skills bulletin board crafts are perfect!

Flower Craft Preschool

This bulletin board set is free to download at the end of this post. Be sure to download your copy after signing up at the bottom of this post.

Looking for a great way to promote coping skills. School counselors will love this printable craft which doubles as a calm down space for kids. These coping skills bulletin board crafts are perfect!

It’s an easy way to build a safe space for kids to talk about their self worth and how to find ways to help them copy with obstacles.

Why are social-emotional skills important to individual students?

Supporting social emotional skills in early childhood education means creating a safe and positive environment where children can learn and practice skills such as self-awareness, self-regulation, and interacting with others.

This can be done by integrating social emotional learning activities into the curriculum, praising children for positive behavior, providing opportunities for social interaction and play, and providing emotional support when needed.

Add these super cute coping skills bulletin board crafts to your lesson plan.

Coping Skills Bulletin Board [Feel Better Flower Craft Preschool]

Click on the sign up locked content box.

After you’ve signed up, come back to this post and click on the image. It will take you directly to the download.

Looking for a great way to promote coping skills. School counselors will love this printable craft which doubles as a calm down space for kids. These coping skills bulletin board crafts are perfect!


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