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Abstract Nouns List – A-Z PDF Print Out

We’re diving into the fascinating world of abstract nouns. You’ve probably come across this term before, but do you really know what abstract nouns are and why they might be a bit trickier to teach? This abstract nouns list is a great tool to have. Let’s break it down in a casual and helpful way, spiced up with a few personal anecdotes to keep things interesting.

I’ve previously shared an abstract nouns sentences list which is perfect for teaching the use of these nouns in sentences.

Learn all about language with our guide on abstract nouns! With relatable examples, understand why they're a bit tricky to teach, and grab your free A-Z abstract nouns list. From common mistakes to personal stories, join us in a casual and insightful exploration. Ideal for language lovers, teachers, and curious minds. Explore our Abstract Nouns List for a deeper understanding of the words that shape our everyday conversations!

What are Abstract Nouns?

So, what exactly are abstract nouns? Well, in the vast realm of grammar, nouns are divided into different categories. You’ve got your common nouns, proper nouns, and, of course, abstract nouns.

Common Nouns: These are everyday things, like “dog,” “cat,” or “book.” They’re tangible and exist in the physical world.

Proper Nouns: Names of specific people, places, or things, such as “John,” “Paris,” or “Mount Everest.”

Abstract Nouns: Now, this is where things get a bit more interesting. Abstract nouns refer to intangible things – ideas, feelings, concepts, and states of being. They’re the opposite of concrete nouns, which represent physical objects.

Why are Abstract Nouns Harder to Teach?

Teaching abstract nouns can be a bit challenging, mainly because they deal with intangible concepts. Unlike pointing to a chair or a tree, you can’t physically show someone “happiness” or “freedom.” It’s like trying to grasp a cloud – you can see it, but you can’t quite hold it in your hands.

Common Mistakes in Teaching Abstract Nouns

One common mistake is assuming that abstract nouns are always big, fancy words reserved for philosophical discussions. The truth is, abstract nouns are all around us in our daily conversations, sometimes hiding in plain sight.

Let me share a little personal story to illustrate this. Once, during a family dinner, my younger sister asked, “What’s the opposite of love?” My mom, without missing a beat, replied, “Indifference.” Boom! Right there, in the midst of our casual dinner conversation, an abstract noun made its appearance.

Making Abstract Nouns Relatable

To make abstract nouns more relatable, try connecting them to emotions and experiences. For instance, when explaining “hope,” you could say, “Remember that feeling you get when you’re eagerly waiting for something good to happen? That’s hope!”

Now, let me share another personal anecdote. A friend once described her excitement about a job interview as a mix of “nervousness and hope.” In that moment, she beautifully captured the abstract nouns associated with her emotions.

Abstract Nouns List A-Z PDF

Alright, let’s get practical. Having a handy list of abstract nouns can make teaching and learning them a breeze.

Here’s an A-Z list in a downloadable PDF format to keep at your fingertips:

Instructions to download: Sign up using GROW and then come back to this page and click on the image below.

Learn all about language with our guide on abstract nouns! With relatable examples, understand why they're a bit tricky to teach, and grab your free A-Z abstract nouns list. From common mistakes to personal stories, join us in a casual and insightful exploration. Ideal for language lovers, teachers, and curious minds. Explore our Abstract Nouns List for a deeper understanding of the words that shape our everyday conversations!

[Download Abstract Nouns List A-Z PDF]

Feel free to print it out or share it with your friends and fellow language enthusiasts. It’s a handy tool for anyone looking to enhance their understanding of abstract nouns.

Examples of Abstract Nouns

Let’s explore some examples of abstract nouns to get a better grasp of these intangible ideas.

1. Happiness: The joy that lights up your face when something wonderful happens.

2. Kindness: Acts of generosity and warmth that make the world a better place.

3. Courage: The bravery it takes to face fears and challenges head-on.

4. Love: A deep and profound connection that goes beyond words.

5. Curiosity: The eagerness to learn and explore new things.

Remember, abstract nouns aren’t just reserved for complex philosophical discussions. They’re woven into our everyday language, expressing the intangible concepts that shape our experiences.

Types of Abstract Nouns

Abstract nouns cover a wide spectrum of intangible concepts. Let’s explore some types to broaden our understanding.

Emotional States

Emotions play a significant role in the abstract noun universe. Words like “joy,” “sadness,” “anger,” and “excitement” fall into this category, capturing the varied emotional states experienced by different people.

Concepts and Ideas

Abstract nouns also encapsulate concepts and ideas, ranging from “freedom” and “justice” to more nuanced notions like “wisdom” and “fairness.”

States of Being

Our existence is rich with states of being, and abstract nouns help articulate them. “Peace,” “calmness,” and “tranquility” fall into this category, describing the various states of being we all crave.


Abstract nouns come into play when describing relationships. “Friendship,” “love,” and “trust” are key players in expressing the intangible bonds we form with others.

If you’re gearing up for a competitive examination, understanding abstract nouns is crucial. Let’s delve into a quick rundown of how abstract nouns might appear in these tests.

1. Identification: Be ready to identify abstract nouns within a given sentence. Practice spotting them amidst a sea of words.

2. Choosing the Correct Form: Tests might present you with multiple options for a sentence, asking you to choose the one with the correct abstract noun usage.

3. Creating Sentences: You might be tasked with constructing sentences that effectively use abstract nouns. This requires a solid understanding of their meanings and applications.

Abstract Words in the Physical World

While abstract nouns deal with intangible ideas, they often find expression in the physical world through language. Imagine telling a friend about a breathtaking sunset. You’re using words like “beauty,” “awe,” and “wonder” – all abstract nouns – to convey your experience with a tangible, physical event.

Learn all about language with our guide on abstract nouns! With relatable examples, understand why they're a bit tricky to teach, and grab your free A-Z abstract nouns list. From common mistakes to personal stories, join us in a casual and insightful exploration. Ideal for language lovers, teachers, and curious minds. Explore our Abstract Nouns List for a deeper understanding of the words that shape our everyday conversations!

In conclusion, abstract nouns may seem elusive, but they’re an integral part of our language and daily lives. By weaving them into our conversations and understanding their various forms, we enrich our communication and connect on a deeper level.

So, the next time you’re chatting with friends or preparing for a competitive examination, keep an eye out for those abstract nouns. They might just be hiding in plain sight, ready to add depth and meaning to your words. Happy learning!

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