ESL Grammar

20 Abstract Sentence Examples to Help English Language Learners Understand Abstract Nouns

It can be difficult to teach kids about abstract nouns, heck and grammar in general! And even more so if they are English language learners. This post helps to provide a list of abstract sentence examples along with abstract nouns to help students understand this grammatical concept.

Abstract sentence examples and ways to teach different types of nouns with ESL learners and more!

There are many ways to teach grammar, but kids will relate to interactive and fun grammar activities a lot more, this is why we need to add as many interactive grammar activities as much as we can!

What are abstract nouns?

Abstract nouns are words that refer to something intangible or difficult to grasp. Abstract nouns can be verbs, adjectives, or other parts of speech. An abstract noun could be a single word, such as “truth” or “beauty.” It could also be a phrase like “the power of love” or “a deadline.”

The most common way to teach abstract nouns is by using concrete examples. For example, if you want to teach the word “honesty,” you would ask students for an example of honesty and then talk about it in detail. Use specific examples of abstract terms, proper nouns, and concrete terms to show the difference between these general ideas.

Nouns are words that name things, people, places and ideas. They are usually the first word of a sentence. Showing learners example sentences is essential.

Concrete nouns are words that represent physical objects. They can be things like a house, a table, or a chair. Some examples of abstract nouns are things like happiness, love, or sadness.

Nouns are the most basic building blocks of all sentences. They are the names of people, places, things, or ideas. They can be concrete or abstract. For example, “dog,” “table,” and “love” are all nouns.

Teaching concrete nouns is an important part of early childhood education because it helps kids learn how to communicate and express their thoughts in a way that everyone understands.

There are different types of nouns. Abstract nouns refer to intangible things such as love or happiness. An abstract idea or abstract concepts we can’t see. Things we cannot see, hear, touch or smell.

Some specific terms for abstract words include

Some examples of abstract nouns include, from nouns: childhood, leadership, membership, ownership, friendship.

From verbs: laughter, knowledge, description, punishment, defence.

From adjectives: height, activity, music, ability.

They’re often used in the literary arts and can help readers to better understand an idea. Abstract nouns can also help writers by adding a layer of creativity and detail to their writing.

It adds a great layer of difficulty when teaching writing with students. Having them use these abstract nouns is equally important, yet essential for them to understand how to write abstract sentences.

Abstract nouns can be difficult for some students because they have a tendency to overuse them while others don’t use them at all, which can make their writing feel flat.

Nouns are the most basic building blocks of all sentences. They are the names of people, places, things, or ideas. They can be concrete or abstract. For example, “dog,” “table,” and “love” are all nouns. .Examples of nouns: The dog is sleeping at the door. I need you to help me with the table. He’s a very good friend of mine.

How to teach all about abstract sentences?

It is easy to teach abstract sentences because they are not as complex as concrete sentences.

Abstract sentences are often not understood by readers. To make them more understandable, we should add context to the sentence.

This is a sentence that has no meaning without context.

A sentence with context:

I was at the store and I saw a woman who looked like she was in need of help.

Abstract sentences are a type of sentence that does not provide the reader with any specific information. This makes it difficult for readers to understand what the sentence is trying to say. They are also difficult for writers to write because they can’t provide any concrete examples of what they are talking about.

The following sentence is an example of an abstract sentence: “I want to be a nurse.”


Don’t forget to check out these super fun winter themed grammar cut and paste printable worksheets!

This sentence does not provide the reader with any information about why the person wants to be a nurse, or what their day-to-day life would look like if they were a nurse. It’s hard for readers to understand what this person wants, and it’s hard for writers to write this kind of sentence because they can’t provide any concrete examples of why someone would want this career choice.

It is not easy to teach abstract sentences to people who are not used to them because they have no idea what an abstract sentence means.

This sentence is an example of an abstract sentence: “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.”

This sentence does not make any sense, but it has a very important meaning. This sentence is about how you can use language in different ways and still be understood.

Abstract Sentences Examples and Printables

I like using printables and worksheets in this instance because kdis won’t understand the concept of different types of nouns without seeing actual examples. Complex ideas

like these always need to be addressed in the simplest forms.

Here are some printables and worksheets from ISL Collective with abstract sentence examples:

How to form abstract nouns printable (introduction to abstract nouns – a list with examples from nouns, verbs and adjectives)

List of abstract nouns (a list of extensive abstract nouns when introducing them to your students)

Concrete and abstract nouns (a list of all the various forms of these nouns)

  • Mary isn’t the type of person who gossips.
  • Alex had a fear that he would fall down.
  • Jack doesn’t have any confidence in himself.
  • She bplayed with great brilliance.

More abstract sentence examples:

Certainly! Here are some easy language abstract sentence examples that you can use in a class:

  1. Happiness: “Happiness is like sunshine on a rainy day.”
  2. Kindness: “Showing kindness is as simple as sharing a smile with a friend.”
  3. Courage: “Having courage means facing your fears with a brave heart.”
  4. Love: “Love is like a warm hug from someone who cares about you.”
  5. Curiosity: “Curiosity is asking lots of questions and wanting to learn new things.”
  6. Friendship: “Friendship is having someone to play with and share secrets.”
  7. Peace: “Imagine a world where everyone gets along – that’s peace.”
  8. Generosity: “Generosity is sharing your toys or helping someone in need.”
  9. Joy: “Feeling joy is like being so happy that you want to jump and dance.”
  10. Hope: “Hope is like a light that helps us believe good things will happen.”
  11. Bravery: “Bravery is doing something even when you’re a little bit scared.”
  12. Imagination: “Imagination is like a superpower that helps us create amazing stories in our minds.”
  13. Calmness: “Calmness is taking deep breaths to feel peaceful inside.”
  14. Respect: “Respect is treating others the way you want to be treated.”
  15. Gratitude: “Gratitude is saying ‘thank you’ and appreciating the good things in life.”
  16. Perseverance: “Perseverance is not giving up, even when things are tough.”
  17. Dreams: “Dreams are like stars in the sky – they guide us to aim high and reach for our goals.”
  18. Unity: “Unity is when everyone works together like a team to make things better.”
  19. Wonder: “Wonder is that feeling of amazement when you discover something new and exciting.”
  20. Compassion: “Compassion is caring for others and helping them when they need it.”

Feel free to use these sentences as starting points for discussions or activities about abstract concepts in the classroom.

I hope this article makes it clearer for you on how to engage your students in learning abstract nouns and sentences!

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