Free Worksheets Math Lesson Plans Preschoolers

5 Hands-on Printable Math Activities for Preschoolers – Bonus Link Chain Chicken Counting Cards

So, I’m all about showing little buddies the number ropes. But here’s the scoop: ever wondered about fun, easy ways to kick off the numbers bash for your little ones? These simple but fun printable math activities for preschoolers are easy to prepare and the kids go crazy for them. 

It’s like throwing a playdate for numbers and kiddos, and you’re the cool host. If you’ve ever been in that “Hmm, where do I start?” spot, you’re not alone. 

These simple but fun printable math activities for preschoolers are easy to prepare and the kids go crazy for them. 

Let’s chat about some cool ways to make numbers your kiddo’s pals, without diving into the serious stuff. Ready for the fun? Let’s dive in!

How Do We Teach Preschoolers Math?

Teaching math to preschoolers can be both exciting and challenging. The key is to make learning fun and interactive. Forget about complex theories and embrace simple, hands-on activities. So, where do we begin? Let’s dive into some practical and engaging methods.

Do We Start Teaching Numbers 1 to 5?

Absolutely! Start with the basics. Remember, little minds absorb information like sponges. These number sense activities should start early in a child’s life.

Begin by introducing numbers 1 to 5 in a playful way. Make it a game. My niece loved counting her toys, and we’d turn it into a fun competition. Simple, right?

How to Use the Chicken Plastic Chain Activity?

One fantastic printable math activity involves a chicken card and a nest with numbers.

These simple but fun printable math activities for preschoolers are easy to prepare and the kids go crazy for them. 

Print it out, hand the child some plastic pink or white chains to signify eggs, and let the counting adventure begin! Share my experience – my friend’s kid adored this.

You can also use pom poms to signify ‘eggs’.

These simple but fun printable math activities for preschoolers are easy to prepare and the kids go crazy for them. 

Get this free printable by sign up below:

The joy of placing chains on the chicken while giggling at the cute chicken which made learning irresistible.

4 More Hands-On Math Activities

1. Shape Sorting with Everyday Objects

Gather items from around the house – spoons, cups, and toys. Make it a game by asking your child to sort them by shape. It’s a sneak peek into geometry, disguised as playtime.

Like this super cute sorting tray:

See more below:

2. Counting with Snacks

Snack time becomes a math lesson! Use crackers or fruit slices and count together. My nephew loved this – he’d happily munch away while learning to count. 

Another one here below:

These simple but fun printable math activities for preschoolers are easy to prepare and the kids go crazy for them. 

3. DIY Number Line with Stickers

Create a simple number line with stickers on the floor. Ask your child to jump from one number to another. It’s like hopscotch with a numerical twist. My cousin’s son transformed this into a daily game.

4. Pattern Play with Building Blocks

Grab some building blocks and introduce patterns. Stack them in different sequences and let your child continue the pattern.

My neighbor’s daughter embraced this activity, unknowingly delving into the world of sequences.

What to Do If the Child Struggles with Math

Firstly, relax. Every child learns at their own pace. If math becomes a struggle, go back to the basics.

Reinforce counting during playtime or incorporate numbers into daily activities. Be patient and celebrate small victories – even the tiniest progress deserves a cheer!

In conclusion, teaching math to preschoolers is a journey filled with discovery and joy. Keep it simple, hands-on, and most importantly, fun!

And there you have it, friends! Wrapping up our numbers bonanza for the tiny tots – because learning should always come with a side of giggles.

Don’t forget to grab these counting cards!

These simple but fun printable math activities for preschoolers are easy to prepare and the kids go crazy for them. 

Whether you’re counting with crackers or rocking the chicken plastic chain dance, just remember: the numbers are just waiting to join the kiddo party. So, keep it playful, keep it light, and let those little minds soak in the joy of numbers. Until next time, happy counting, and may your math adventures be as wild and wonderful as a toddler’s imagination! 

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