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Kindness Art Activities for Preschool Fill a Bucket Craft

Need a fun way to help children understand and practice kindness? How about adding some Kindness Art Activities to help? This fill a bucket craft is perfect for preschoolers! Kids will love the cut and paste feature plus they’ll be encouraged to fill their buckets with ‘kindness acts’ throughout the month to show their kind acts. Help kids develop their social skills, understand kindness and acts of kindness with this super cute bucket filling craft.

Kindness is a vital value that parents and educators aim to instill in young children.

Need a fun way to help children understand and practice kindness? How about adding some Kindness Art Activities to help? This fill a bucket craft is perfect for preschoolers! Kids will love the cut and paste feature plus they'll be encouraged to fill their buckets with 'kindness acts' throughout the month to show their kind acts. Help kids develop their social skills, understand kindness and acts of kindness with this super cute bucket filling craft.

Printable Kindness Art Activities, such as the Fill a Bucket Craft, offer a creative and engaging way to teach preschoolers about the importance of kindness. This hands-on project not only enhances fine motor skills but also cultivates a sense of empathy and compassion from an early age.

Kindness Craft for Preschoolers

Your kids will love to create their own buckets, a black and white version of this is included to save ink AND have your students decorate their buckets as they see fit.

Teaching kindness is so important and these songs about kindness for kids are perfect resource to accomplish this.

To prepare:

  • A4 paper
  • Printer
  • Glue sticks
  • Scissors
  • Laminator (optional)

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There are two options for printing, colored and black and white. This file is editable, so you can definetlyadd your own names to the file, then print the PDF pages that you need. This file fits up to 12 character names. Please be sure to open it in Adobe Reader DC.

Fill a Bucket Craft for Preschoolers

The Fill a Bucket Craft is inspired by the popular children’s book “Have You Filled a Bucket Today?” by Carol McCloud.

The concept revolves around the idea that everyone has an invisible bucket that can be filled with positive actions and emptied by negative ones.

Through this craft, preschoolers learn the joy of filling others’ buckets with kindness.

Click on the image above to download this free printable

Materials Needed:

To embark on this heartwarming project, gather a few simple materials:

  1. Printable Fill a Bucket template.
  2. Crayons, markers, or colored pencils.
  3. Scissors.
  4. Glue.
  5. Popsicle sticks or yarn.
  6. Optional: Stickers, glitter, or other decorative materials.

Steps to Create the Fill a Bucket Craft

  1. Print the Template: Download and print the Fill a Bucket template. Ensure there’s one for each child participating in the activity.
  2. Coloring: Encourage creativity by providing a variety of coloring materials. Preschoolers can use their favorite colors to bring the bucket and characters to life.
  3. Cutting: Develop fine motor skills by guiding children through the cutting of the bucket and character shapes. This step also promotes focus and concentration.
  4. Gluing: Assemble the craft by gluing the characters onto the bucket. This not only reinforces the theme but also allows children to express their understanding of positive actions.
  5. Decorate: Enhance the craft with optional decorative materials. Stickers, glitter, and other embellishments can make each child’s Fill a Bucket creation unique.
  6. Attaching Handles: Secure popsicle sticks or yarn to the sides of the bucket to create handles. This step adds a tangible element to the craft and provides a means for children to carry their buckets.

Teaching Kindness through Fill a Bucket Craft

  1. Discussion: Begin by discussing the concept of filling buckets with kindness. Use age-appropriate language to help children grasp the idea that kind words and actions contribute to the happiness of others.
  2. Role Play: Engage in role-playing scenarios to illustrate how specific actions fill or empty buckets. This interactive approach helps preschoolers understand the practical application of kindness.
  3. Storytime: Read “Have You Filled a Bucket Today?” or similar books that emphasize kindness. This reinforces the lesson and sparks further discussion about positive behavior.
  4. Bucket-Filling Moments: Throughout the day, acknowledge and celebrate instances where children demonstrate kindness. Encourage them to share these “bucket-filling” moments with their peers.

Printable Kindness Art Activities, like the Fill a Bucket Craft, provide a valuable opportunity to teach preschoolers about empathy and compassion.

This hands-on project not only enhances artistic skills but also fosters a positive and caring environment in the early stages of a child’s development.

By incorporating these activities into the curriculum, educators and parents can contribute to shaping a generation that values kindness and understands the impact of positive actions on the well-being of others.

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